The Aviat Foundation is an endowment fund which supports Mount Aviat Academy and the Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales.
The fund was established to have well-managed investments and a competitive long-term total return on endowment assets. Each year 5% of the fund, taken from the interest gained, is given back to the school and utilized in multiple ways, including maintaining an affordable tuition, supporting curriculum expenses and improving facilities.
The endowment fund for the Sisters supports retirement care, maintenance of Villa Aviat Convent and needs for the Sisters’ futures. In our uncertain world, it is a promise of stability.
The Aviat Foundation Endowment Trust was established in 2006 and created with care and commitment to the future of the school. The Long Range Plan was developed, establishing clear goals and a structured path to reach them, with flexibility to adapt to future needs. The growth of Mount Aviat Academy and the achievements of our students is testament to that careful planning.
Donations to the Aviat Foundation are generally established with a pledge paid over a few years, or legacy gifts, such as insurance policies and Wills, that list the Aviat Foundation as beneficiary.
For additional information, please contact
Obituary for former teacher, Mrs. Anne Slater