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Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Discover what makes this year special, from Flat Stanley, cursive writing, and First Holy Communion to Star of the Week, our class pet, and Grandparents' Day Mass. 


English Language Arts

The McGraw-Hill Core Knowledge Language Arts is used in class. Students write in journals several days per week, focusing on various topics. This fosters sentence structure and practice, while expressing their own thoughts. Different types of writing are covered, including letters, paragraphs, and stories, in which students apply the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. In Reading, students learn to focus on sequencing, drawing conclusions, cause & effect, making predictions, main idea & details, and reality vs. fantasy.


The series, Math In Focus, highlights number sense, model drawing, and mental math, teaching the progression from the concrete to pictorial to abstract representations. Concepts covered include adding & subtracting numbers to 1,000, multiplication, division, measurement, mass, volume, money, fractions, time, graphs, lines & surfaces, shapes, and patterns.


Students explore Science through The LabLearner program which incorporates vocabulary and a hands-on investigative approach. Each cell consists of investigations focused on a Pre-Lab, Lab, and Post-Lab format.

Social Studies

Through My World Social Studies, curriculum includes the study of community & country, working to meet needs, and finances & making good choices. Students explore the world around them, specifically countries, continents, and geography, and discover how they change the world. Other areas covered are renewable & nonrenewable resources and conservation, traditions & cultures as a way of life in the past and present, changes in technology & communities, and sources that chronicle the first Americans and past history.


The main focus this year is the preparation for receiving first Reconciliation and first Holy Communion. Students learn about the sacrament of Reconciliation, the examination of conscience, and the Act of Contrition. Using Christ Our Life, a study of the 10 Commandments is incorporated into the program, followed by a complete review of the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Salesian saint, St. John Bosco, his life and his works are also studied throughout this year.