2024-2025 TUITION & FEES
Grades K – 8
3rd Child $4,400.00 4th Child $3,000.00
PreK3 and PreK4
Includes tuition, fees, materials, snack, and lunch $8,100.00
Instructional Materials Fee Grades KG – 8 $400.00
8th Grade Fee (includes graduation, yearbook, class hoodie) $150.00
Families who enroll at Mount Aviat Academy must be willing to accept the incurred financial obligations and open a FACTS account to make financial payments to the school. The following guidelines have been established.
1. Families must open an account with FACTS Management, the company contracted by Mount Aviat to handle payments. The cost for this service is as follows:
Families who choose to pay the full tuition amount in July still need to open a FACTS account so other payments can be made during the year (for example, field trips)
3. If a student is enrolled as of July 1, the tuition payments made in July, August and any month the student attends are nonrefundable, even if the student does not complete the entire month.
Maryland PreK Expansion Grant If you reside in Maryland and your family income is equal to or lower than the amount listed below, you may be eligible for a grant that covers the entire cost of Pre-K3 and Pre-K4. Contact MAA’s Admissions Director ( for more information.
Household/Family of 2 - $61,320 Household/Family of 4 - $93,600
Household/Family of 3 - $77,460 Household/Family of 5 - $109,740
Financial Assistance
Each year, Mount Aviat Academy makes a commitment to support families in financial need. Applications are accepted online each Spring: FACTS Financial Aid Application. After applications are confidentially reviewed by a committee, families are notified of the level of assistance they can be offered. Mount Aviat has contracted with FACTS for tuition aid assessment. For additional information, please contact the Admissions Director at