Welcome to Kindergarten!
Every day is part of a journey in Kindergarten, not a race to the finish line. Through play and formal instructional experiences, kindergartners are given the opportunity to learn and grow and be the best they can be as they “Live Jesus.”
English Language Arts
The Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts program consists of two strands of instruction that introduce students to necessary foundational skills needed to become engaged and fluent readers and writers. The Skills Strand teaches students the mechanics of reading and writing using a phonic approach. The Knowledge Strand helps to expand student's vocabulary and background knowledge through speaking and listening activities, fiction and nonfiction read alouds, discussions, and encouraging students' creativity.
Math in Focus is used at the kindergarten level and continues through 3rd grade. This program encourages a positive student interaction with math and helps students develop abilities to solve math problems in their daily lives. Concepts are introduced using a concrete (manipulatives) - pictorial (drawings) - abstract (numbers) learning progression. Students gain confidence at this early level.
The Amplify Science program provides our young students with hands-on opportunities to explore and investigate scientific concepts. Our units include such topics as Beginning Explorations, Making & Recording Observations, Using Math, Making Measurements, Using & Making Models, and Exploring Time & Sequences. Students work in the science lab and begin to appreciate the scientific process.
At the kindergarten level, Religion lessons focus on "Living Jesus" by treating others fairly. Using the Christ Our Life series, students learn about the Liturgy and their faith, as well as the practice of daily prayers. Bearing witness to faith in society is addressed, particularly through our African missions. As an introduction to the Salesian saints, students learn about the life and works of St. Leonie Aviat.
Students also participate in weekly gym, music, art, library, and technology classes and are introduced to the basic Spanish vocabulary.
Students in Kindergarten receive a complete readiness program. The Kindergarten program follows the Maryland State Curriculum requirements, as well as the Diocese of Wilmington guidelines for Religion.
The average class size is 20 students and kindergarten follows a regular school-day, beginning at 8:00 am and ending at 3:00 pm.
Students are encouraged to wear nice play clothes that promote the Salesian spirit of our school. All students must wear sneakers that tie or fasten with Velcro. Girls may wear one pair of small post earrings (no hoops or dangle). Religious medals may be worn. Play/costume jewelry, wrist/ankle bands and tattoos may not be worn to school.
Special activities include attendance at school masses and assemblies, field trips, and invited guest speakers to enhance lessons.
Favorite days celebrated in Kindergarten are 100 Days of Kindergarten, Dad's Day (Feast of St. Joseph), Grandparents' Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Dr. Seuss' Birthday, and the students' birthdays.
Students enjoy performing in the annual Christmas Pageant and the year-end show at Graduation. A traditional Graduation ceremony is held each June.