Welcome to 1st Grade!
Discover what makes this year special, from our Book Buddies and writing book reports to "thinking outside the box" and growing as independent learners.
English Language Arts
A major focus is to develop the skills needed to become a fluent reader and communicator. While exploring our language, students gain confidence and see reading as enjoyable. Students also build an understanding of the reading/writing connection. The McGraw-Hill reading series, Core Knowledge Language Arts, used in class, has a strong phonics component, along with an emphasis on reading fluency. Students also practice reading fluency through building a word wall, in which new words are added each week.
Students are introduced to new words weekly and will practice the words in various ways through daily lessons. Students will be tested on spelling words each week.
Students study basic facts and are ultimately responsible for addition and subtraction facts, counting, and other related areas. To help students grasp abstract concepts, a hands-on approach is used, building solid concept mastery. Manipulatives, such as connecting cubes, tens frames, math balances, and counters, help students learn concepts and strategies. The series, Math In Focus, uses the meta cognitive process of mathematical thinking, with an emphasis on problem solving.
Five main units are studied, which include a focus on physical science, earth science, and life science. The LabLearner program incorporates vocabulary and a hands-on investigative approach.
Social Studies
Students explore communities and families, focusing on how all work together. Using My World: Social Studies, students are also exposed to related vocabulary.
Beginning with creation, students study bible stories to better understand their meaning using the Christ Our Life series. Students learn about the souls in purgatory and pray for them daily. The life and works of Salesian saint, St. Margaret Mary are studied.