Welcome to 4th Grade!
Discover what makes this year special, from world biomes dioramas and the Schooner Sultana, to St. Leonie Aviat's Mass and our spring show.
English Language Arts
Students focus on daily reading and writing. Instruction covers reading, writing, grammar, spelling, listening, and speaking.
Students are exposed to novels, short stories and articles using the McGraw-Hill reading series Wonders, from which reading strategies and vocabulary words are learned and applied. Weekly spelling, review, and challenge words are also an element of the program.
Focusing on the Six Traits of Writing: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency & Conventions, and Presentation, students apply their writing skills to mini-lessons, grammar exercises, and a writing journal.
The backbone of the Singapore Math program is number sense instruction, model drawing, and mental math, which teaches students to progress from concrete to pictorial to abstract representations. Using the Math in Focus series, concepts covered include place value, comparing numbers, multiplying, dividing, fractions, decimals, line plots, calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, range), graphing, measuring angles using a protractor, and finding area and perimeter.
Students explore science through the Discovery Education's Science TechBook program. Units of study include: Microscopes & Magnification, Chemistry, Forms of Energy, Ecosystems & Adaptations, Light & Optics, and Nutrition. Investigations follow a pre-lab, hands-on lab study, and post-lab format.
Social Studies
Using My World Social Studies, curriculum consists of the U. S. government, the five major regions of the United States, including their people and customs, early American history, a study of the state of Maryland and its Colonial history, and map studies. Students learn all 50 states & capitals, as well as their location on the map.
Through the series, Christ Our Life, students know, proclaim, and share the Catholic faith. Each lesson integrates Scripture, Catholic doctrine and tradition, as well as the Church's social teachings. The Sacraments are studied in depth, as well as the Commandments and the Beatitudes.